December Devotional

“But Peter said, ‘I have no silver and gold, but what I do have I give to you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk!’” – Acts 3:6

This is perhaps one of the best-known stories in the New Testament, in addition to being one of the most-remembered verses. But there are also some curious aspects to this remarkable story and Peter’s words to this poor, lame beggar. If Peter had “silver and gold” in his possession, he certainly could have given it to the man. Afterall, that’s what the man was expecting, but Peter could not give the man what he did not have. There’s nothing curious or confusing about that, but what is confusing is the thought of Peter providing something he had without the authority to give it. 
What Peter had was an unwavering faith in the power and sufficiency of the Lord Jesus Christ, but how could he give that to this man, or to any man or woman, for that matter? You have probably heard the expression,“God has no grandchildren,” and it is, of course, quite true. Faith – saving faith – is a gift of God that must be appropriated by the person to whom God gives it. One cannot “inherit,” or be given, saving faith from any other person. Unless an individual has a personal encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ, they are lost and in danger of eternal peril. So, did Peter give this lame man a saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ? Well, most certainly he did not; he could not. But God uses His people to evidence and display His salvation, and so He did with Peter. 
Christmas is a time where, figuratively speaking, gifts of “silver and gold” are given and received, and we all take great joy in this special season of giving.  But may we who have received the true Gift of Christmas be ever mindful of those around us who may not have. And may we in our actions and expressions send the same message that Peter proclaimed – “Because of the Lord Jesus Christ, what I have I give to you…” 
We thank God for the evidence of your faith as you join with us in the fight for innocent, unborn lives! On behalf of the Daybreak Team and Board of Directors, it is my prayer that you all have a Wonderful and Merry Christmas!

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