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A New Day Dawns…
at Daybreak LifeCare Center!


Please join us for our Annual Spring Gala
April 10, 2025
at the Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center
with Special Guest, Dr. Neil C. Stewart,
Senior Minister at First Presbyterian Church in Columbia

Please join us once again for Daybreak LifeCare Center’s annual Spring Gala on Thursday, April 10th, at the Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center in downtown Columbia, South Carolina. This year’s theme is “A New Day Dawns” and will prompt an evening filled with impactful client testimonials, a celebration of Daybreak’s over 40 years of service to Columbia, a fresh vision for Daybreak’s future and will culminate with a keynote address featuring Columbia’s own Dr. Neil C. Stewart of First Presbyterian Church in Columbia.

Dr. Stewart’s experience in both medicine and ministry, along with his leadership role in our community, will bring valuable insight to our evening event.

In addition to the keynote address, we will have a few brief updates from community leaders on the state of the prolife movement here in South Carolina as well as a compelling testimony from Daybreak’s own, Lori Baker, Director of Client Care and Abortion Recovery.

Please join us for dinner and this impactful annual event. Tables will be available to sponsor by churches, businesses or groups of friends to enjoy the evening together. There are 5 levels of table sponsorship: TABLE SPONSOR, BRONZE SPONSOR, SILVER SPONSOR, GOLD SPONSOR, PLATINUM SPONSOR. We are also offering an individual registration option for $65/person.

We are excited to offer an inspiring event, and to share more with you about how you can partner with Daybreak to support the women and men of the Midlands who are experiencing unexpected pregnancies.


Dr. Neil C. Stewart grew up in Northern Ireland during the Troubles and came to faith as a teenager through the witness of high school friends. He studied medicine at the Queen’s University of Belfast, where he met and married Catherine Jane Johnson.

In his final year of medical school, Neil was awarded the Ulster Hospital Gold Medal for his studies in medicine, general and orthopedic surgery, pediatrics, obstetrics, and gynecology. He was elected a member of the Royal College of Pediatrics and Child Health in 1997. As a pediatrician, Neil served in the historic Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children.

 Sensing a call to ministry, Neil and his family moved to Jackson, Mississippi, where he graduated from the Master of Divinity program at RTS, Jackson in 2002. As a pastor, he has served as the Senior Minister of the Second Presbyterian Church of Yazoo City, Mississippi (2002-2006), Kirk O’ the Isles Presbyterian Church, Savannah, Georgia (2006-2016), and Christ Covenant Church ARP, Greensboro, North Carolina (2016-2023) and now serves as the Senior Minister at First Presbyterian Church in Columbia, South Carolina.


To be a gala sponsor, please go to the webpage below to learn more about sponsorship levels and to register:

Check out the recap video from a recent banquet!


Stories of hope, love and choosing life.

We can talk about our positive impact, but we’d rather you hear it firsthand from individuals who have encountered Daybreak Ministries and the support that we offer. Each of these individuals have shown great strength in sharing their stories, and we are honored to know our clients well enough for them to feel comfortable to share with us and our stakeholders.

Check out these heartwarming testimonials on how these women chose life for their babies and ultimately changed the trajectory of their lives.

In the News

We strive to raise awareness about Daybreak LifeCare Center.

Soda City Live: Run for Life – a race to the finish

Eddie Benton talks with Soda City Live about Daybreak LifeCare Center’s Annual 5K Walk/Run…

Palmetto Family | Pro-Abundant Life

Mitch Prosser is joined today by Eddie Benton, Executive Director of Daybreak LifeCare Center.

Midlands Organizations Feel Impact of SC’s Latest Abortion Law

DayBreak Lifecare Center and Palmetto State Abortion Fund are seeing stark increases in clients.

Daybreak LifeCare Center Announces New Executive Director

Daybreak LifeCare Center announces that Eddie Benton has been selected as it’s new Executive Director.

Follow Daybreak’s social media pages to stay up to date

Partner with us in creating a life-affirming community

Pregnancy centers like Daybreak LifeCare Center are more important now than ever before. We need to support the women in our own communities so that they can continue to choose life and have the resources they need to provide basic needs to their families while building a support system. We rely 100% on donations to continue providing free medical services, classes and items (formula, baby clothes, strollers, etc.) to our clients.

Daybreak Ministries, Inc. is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization

Get Involved

We have various ways for individuals to get involved with our ministry.

  • Join our team as a volunteer.
  • Adopt Daybreak Ministries as your church’s outreach ministry.
  • Donate new or gently used baby or toddler items.
  • Become a prayer partner.
  • Become a financial sponsor for one of our two annual events (Annual 5K or Annual Banquet)
  • Donate a service to help us update and improve our center. 

If you are interested in learning more about opportunities to get involved, please contact our Executive Director, please contact our Executive Director, Brennan Aschleman, by emailing

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