Volunteer Application First Name *Last Name *Date of Birth *Email Address *Phone *Alternate PhoneStreet Address *City *State/Province *ZIP / Postal Code *Please select the areas you may be interested in assisting with:CLERICAL: assist office administrator with filing, copying, mailings, and other general office tasks.FUNDRAISING: assist with fundraising activities (i.e., Banquet, 5K, Baby Bottle Campaign, etc.)BABY BOUTIQUE ASSISTANT: assist with sorting and maintaining donations to the Baby Boutique.LIAISON: act as a liaison between Daybreak and your church by working with your pastor, women’s groups, and the congregation to keep them aware of activities and needs of Daybreak.RECEPTION: greeting clients, answering phone calls, etc.*CLIENT ADVOCATE: consulting with women in possible crisis pregnancy situations (minimum 3 hr. per week commitment) *MALE MENTOR*MENTOR FOR MOMS*POST-ABORTION BIBLE STUDY FACILITATOR*SONOGRAPHER: (RDMS or nurse with previous NIFLA training) *PREGNANCY/STD/STI TESTING: (current MA/LPN/RN licensure) *PARENTING/BIRTHING CLASS TEACHER: (appropriate credentials required) **Indicates specific training will be required/provided.We’re open to ideas you may have as well! What are your gifts/talents? Do you have thoughts on how you can use those to serve at Daybreak? Let us know! Availability Please list the hours you are available each day. This does not mean that you would necessarily work every day/time listed, but it helps us see where we can fill a need in our schedule: MondayHoursMinutesAMPMTuesdayHoursMinutesAMPMWednesdayHoursMinutesAMPMThursdayHoursMinutesAMPMFridayHoursMinutesAMPMAll About YouOccupation *Educational Background *Marital Status *Select OneSingleMarriedSeparatedDivorcedWidow/WidowerSpouse's Name *Spouse's Occupation *Number of Children *Local Church You Attend *Are you a member? *YesNoWhy do you wish to volunteer with Daybreak? *Tell us about your previous volunteer experience: *Complete the following sentence: *"Salvation is based on..."Please attach a brief version of your testimony to this application. Be sure to include how and when you met Jesus, what your daily relationship with Jesus looks like and how that relationship has grown through the years.Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileIn trusting that God has called you to this ministry, would you be able to commit to at least one year of volunteering here? *YesNoWhat kind of time are you able to give? *Are you willing to commit yourself to attending 2 training sessions a year? *YesNoWhat spiritual gifts have you seen consistently in your life? *What do you hope to gain from your work at Daybreak? *How comfortable are you with sharing the Gospel? *At Daybreak, we promote a healthy lifestyle of abstinence from all sexual activity outside of marriage. Do you agree? *YesNoWhat do you believe is the Biblical way to handle a problem that you may have with Daybreak LifeCare Center? *Many of us have painful experiences in our past, including abortion, for which we have received healing and forgiveness through Jesus Christ. These experiences, once healed by Him, can allow us to have compassion for another. Ultimately, the healing of all our hurts is an opportunity to give Him glory.Have you ever had an abortion? *YesNoWhat do you believe about abortion as a solution to an unplanned pregnancy? What about cases such as rape or incest? *What do you believe about adoption? *Have you ever been arrested? *YesNoWe are required to run a background check on all volunteers. Do you agree with this? *YesNoReferencesFirst Name *Last Name *Phone *Submit Application