Finding out you’re pregnant can be overwhelming, but you’re going to be okay, and there are people who can help you.

If you think you might be pregnant, here are a list of steps you can take:

1. Confirm the pregnancy. 

If you think you might be pregnant, the first step is trying to confirm whether or not you are in fact pregnant. Go through the checklist below, and note whether you are experiencing these symptoms.

Early Pregnancy Checklist
  • Is your period more than 2 days late?
  • Have you felt any changes in your breasts?
  • Soreness, heavier, nipple changes?
  • Do any smells bother you?
  • Have you experienced spotting?
  • Sleeping regularly but still feeling wiped out?
  • Do you have a metallic taste in your mouth?
  • Do you have any other symptoms in combination? (headaches, nausea, food aversions, cravings)


If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, reach out to us so we can schedule a confirmation appointment. While you can take an at-home pregnancy test, this is not required before you visit Daybreak.

If you have already taken an at-home pregnancy test, contact us today so we can provide confirmation and help you explore all your options in a safe, supportive place. Pregnancy tests are an indicator of pregnancy, not a confirmation. Before you make a decision on what to do, we can provide you with a free ultrasound so you can learn how far along you are and talk through any questions or concerns.

2. Take good care of yourself.

Even if you haven’t made a decision yet on how to handle your pregnancy, it’s important to take care of yourself. You may feel stressed which will deplete your energy quickly, so make sure to  drink lots of water and eat wholesome meals so you can stay energized. This will also help you think clearly and process your emotions better.

3. Create a list of questions and concerns.

We want to help you understand your options and answer any questions you may have. When you schedule an appointment with us, we will provide you with information on your options and resources available to you. If you would like, we will even help you create a game plan for what your next steps following the appointment might look like. Feel free to come with a list of questions you have, and we will make sure every question is answered. 

Lastly, we encourage you to take a deep breath. You are not alone in this, and we are here to help you. Call us today at (803) 771-6634.