If you are experiencing complex emotions after your abortion, you are not alone. Post abortive women are at a higher risk of experiencing depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts and many other issues. Whether your abortion occurred recently or years ago, it’s never too late to seek healing.


While the healing process doesn’t look the same for everyone, Daybreak LifeCare Center is here to provide you compassionate care and emotional support.  In the meantime, here are some tips to help you begin your healing journey:


1. Remember that your feelings are valid.


Although you’re not always told to expect it, it is normal to experience a rollercoaster of emotions after an abortion.  Your emotions can range from relief to anger to sadness and multiple others.  It is okay.  These feelings are normal.  As with any pregnancy loss, it is completely normal to feel a whirlwind of emotions.  It’s okay to explore your feelings. Don’t let anyone tell you how you should feel. It’s a part of the healing process to understand your emotions.


2. Allow yourself to grieve. 


As you begin to work through your emotions, it’s also important to give yourself permission to grieve.  Abortion is a complex topic, and some women feel they don’t have the right to feel grief or sadness after their abortion.  You have experienced the loss of a child and you have to work through those emotions or they will consume you.  It’s okay to feel sadness and it’s okay to cry. 



3. Process your feelings and thoughts. 


Finding a safe space to process your feelings is essential. This could be confiding in a close friend or church leader, finding a quiet space to think, or meeting with a member of our post abortion support team.  We are here to listen and encourage you as you work through your feelings. Wherever your safe space may be, it’s a good idea to get a notebook where you can journal. Writing down your thoughts and feelings will help you heal and see how far you’ve come in the healing process. 


Schedule a free appointment for more information about post-abortion support and resources through Daybreak LifeCare Center. Call (803) 771-6634 to talk to someone today.